THIS JUST IN: Last Resort At Anime Weekend Atlanta!

Just yesterday, I secured a table in the Artist's Alley Marketplace for Anime Weekend Atlanta (Sept. 19-21, 2008), which is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin -- except it's not only filled with plenty more artists, it's also a good bit larger than MomoCon (and if my success from the spring is any indication, this is a VERY good thing!)
For those that'll be there, now's the best time to sway my opinions on what ought to be offered at the table, (or suggest something you want me to make especially for you!), so if you've got a great idea, send me an e-mail -- and even if it's something that I won't be able to get done in time for AWA, a good idea could still end up being something I make and offer later!
Labels: anime weekend atlanta, conventions, last resort
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