WARNING: If You're Planning to Buy a Conbadge From Me, Buy Now or Pay More Later!

What do you do when you want to offer conbadge commissions at a convention (of all things), but realize that you can't actually do them AT the con because of the whole "I ink and color all my work digitally" detail?
Why, you offer preorders, of course! Showing up at conventions isn't cheap, after all, and I wouldn't be working tables if I didn't plan on selling SOMETHING...
What It Is:
These aren't limited to just Last Resort Characters; I'll draw your own characters as well! Each badge is drawn custom, just for you!
What It Costs: Since these are pre-orders, They'll be going for the early-adopter fee of $8 apiece. This is, of course, a limited-time offer, and it's a pretty good bet that if you wait until the convention they won't be that price.
When You Get 'Em : Since the idea is to have these to show off my commissioning skills at both Furry Weekend Atlanta and MomoCon, I would like to keep as many badges as I can until March 16, 2008 (Last Day of MomoCon). If you need it before then, see below.
Shipping &
- If you are going to be at either convention, you may pick up your badges there and then. Shipping's Free. A simple confirmation that you're who you say you are should suffice.
- If you need your badge shipped to you, send extra for shipping. Adding $3 is a good estimate unless you're not inside the US.
- Make it an even Adding $5 if you expect the badge before February 15. It's kinda unfair to ask me to make a badge that I don't even get to show off at a time when I could be working on other people's orders, after all.
- Please specify WHEN you need the badge, if it's time-sensitive at all; otherwise I'll assume you can wait until after MomoCon for me to send them. Don't worry, I'll make sure to provide some sort of visual confirmation (probably through a few pictures on the blog!) that your badge has been made and I'm just holding onto it for display purposes at that point.
- Make it an even Adding $5 if you expect the badge before February 15. It's kinda unfair to ask me to make a badge that I don't even get to show off at a time when I could be working on other people's orders, after all.
- Sanity Fee: If you're someone who's likely to ask for do-overs and be picky about your art, Add $5 More for a Sanity Fee. This entitles you to see the lineart prior to coloring, the coloring with text prior to printing/buttoning, and the ability to critique and alter whatever doesn't suit you. Note that you only get one do-over at each stage, and once it's a button, the deal is done.
- If you don't pay the Sanity Fee and complain after the fact, you'll need to pay the $5 anyway unless it's an actual error on my part (like I leave your character's wings off, and I just overlooked it on the sheet) or the error in question can be fixed easily enough.
- If you don't pay the Sanity Fee and complain after the fact, you'll need to pay the $5 anyway unless it's an actual error on my part (like I leave your character's wings off, and I just overlooked it on the sheet) or the error in question can be fixed easily enough.

What I Need From You (Besides Money): I need at least one reference picture in color (or a REALLY good description) of your character, along with a name and a rudimentary idea of their personality so I can pick a nice font to match. If I can't make heads or tails of it, I'll ask for clairification and/or send your money back.
How Many Are Available: They're quick, but they still take time. This first batch will be a set of 5, and if demand is high enough (and I finish them fast enough!) I'll make more.
How to Buy: Send Money through PayPal (link available through the Last Resort website -- click the little Jigsaw with the Battery image) along with an email to me detailing what you want and any/all reference links for your character. If you have any concerns about my willingness to draw a certain character or any other special issues, email first, THEN send money. I won't start drawing without payment, though.
Interested? Order today!
*At Artist's Discretion, which mostly means if it fails the "Will Dad freak out if he sees this?" test I won't draw it. Come on, these are BADGES. You wear them on your person in a relatively public space. Common Sense Plz.
Labels: commissions, conbadges, conventions, last resort
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