#87! Woo-hoo!

Until next time, folks! (though I'll try to get some more stuff up on the blog this next week... can't hurt, eh?)
Labels: last resort, updates
Labels: last resort, updates
What the heck is Morning Coffee? It's the most awesome Firefox Add-on that you can think of for webcomics! Once you have all your comics listed within the extension, just one click of the coffee cup gets you all the comics you want to read that day!Out of sheer joy for the new update of Morning Coffee, I've made a great how-to lens about it. It'll walk you through all the steps of how to install and set up your new extension so you never have to worry about missing webcomic updates again! I even did some screenshots for it so you know exactly what you're looking for.
Labels: lazy hacker, project wonderful, squidoo
Labels: bonus updates, last resort
Labels: last resort, updates
Labels: last resort, updates
Well, Bonus Panel, anyway.
Labels: bonus updates, last resort
Because Jigsaw may as well be the one to say it.
Labels: bonus updates, last resort
Finally clearing up something that's been bugging me for a while.
Labels: bonus updates, last resort
Well, someone had to explain Light Children.
Labels: bonus updates, last resort, oh dear god what have I gotten myself into
... and also a little bit of Meridian's Bulletproof Booty.
Labels: bonus updates, last resort
Those of you who are freaking out at not seeing your usual color updates, not to worry: it's still available right here. The Black-and-White bonus updates are only showing up on the front page this week, and then they'll be tucked away in the bonus section. If you love 'em, they'll stay there, if you don't . . . it's only an update cycle, so just be patient! :-p
Labels: bonus updates, last resort
Labels: anthrocon, bonus updates, updates