Sunday, November 30, 2008

Want a Commission? Auctions Are Running All Week!

CONVENTION GOERS: Get a Custom Badge that Stands Out from the Crowd!

In accordance with Seth's Holiday Shopping Guide, I'm offering you the ability to buy something handmade from someone you (hopefully) like.

This isn't limited to furries; If you've got a character on World of Warcraft, Gaia Online, Second Life, or another avatar-based system, I can draw those too! (I can do caricatures too -- so if you're really stumped for a character, I can just work off of a picture of yourself!)

Lock in a Badge with the Dutch Auction!

There are three badges available for you in the Dutch Auction -- that means up to three people can bid the same amount and secure their orders! If you're not picky about when you receive your badge or if you just want to make sure you win a badge, period, here's your best bet.

Guarantee Your Badge will be finished by December 25th with the Dedicated Auction!

If you're time-sensitive and want the badge in time to gift it for the holidays and/or before you go to that big convention, You'll want the Dedicated Badge Auction where I'm offering a single badge that will be my first priority once the auctions finish and I know who the winner is.

Both auctions will be running through to next week, so I have half a chance of getting the Dedicated Auction finished in time. Check them out and bid today!

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

#109 Posted, and Conbadge Auction Coming up This Week!

Say Hello Once Again to Your Weekly Dose of Last Resort!

Finally, some brighter colors and a little entertainment.

As always, the forums are wide open for you, so if you like it, go over there, speak up and say something about the newest comic.

And Now for Something Completely Different.

Two things have become increasingly obvious, or at least hard to ignore:
  1. If people are buying things, it's going to be right now (i.e. the "Holiday Rush").
  2. My laptop's screen just died. Well, the backlight did, anyway, but from the looks of things I need to buy a new screen for it.
The solution seems rather obvious, and since I don't feel like asking you all for more donations while my buffer is where it is, I'm offering the next best thing: Commissions!

Sometime Sunday afternoon (Nov. 30), I'll post the link to the auction(s). If you're one of the dedicated ones who check the comic early Sunday morning, you're getting a little advance notice so you can keep your eyes out for when it shows up (or at least pester someone into trying to get it for you as a gift). Details will follow, but just so you have some idea what's coming up:
  • I'm offering full-body (albeit chibi-sized) commissions
  • They'll double as conbadges
  • You'll be able to guarantee completion by December 25th! (Delivery is another issue, but hey, that's the internet for ya.)
Stay tuned; if you're not subscribed to the blog's RSS feed already, now's a great time to subscribe and make sure you don't miss this offer.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Last Resort Interview over at Palace In The Sky!

Looks like there's something more to be thankful for.

You might remember me mentioning Palace In the Sky when I joined with them a few weeks ago, but now there's a whole new reason to talk about them; There's an exclusive interview up there about Last Resort that you're sure to enjoy!

If you've not seen it already (and statistics show that's pretty unlikely), head on over and give it a read. It's good stuff.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008


The buffer is getting smaller, but the comics just keep getting better.

More to come next week!

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Showing off More Random Artwork...

Just because showing you guys awesome artwork is half the reason for this blog being here.

I decided to catch up on a few of the commissions I've been accepting -- this one's of Bacent the Blue Tiger. Expect more to show up within the next few weeks.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008


Not even a power outage will stop me from updating... well, not this time anyway.

Don't forget to stop by the forums with your opinion, and I'll be back next week with more goodness!

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

What Everybody Ought to Know About Comic Buffers

I should really know better than to respond to anything written by Scott Kurtz.

For those who actually care about what the rest of the webcomic blogs (all four of them) are saying, Kurtz has a diatribe that doesn't really get to the heart of why cartoonists need buffers. Or rather, he talks about it but glosses over the reasons why, boiling them down to "Other people will think less of me".

I'll be the first to admit, having a buffer quickly becomes the best and the worst thing about your comic if you're not careful. It's good to have because it means you can relax and not have to worry about deadlines past a certain point. It's bad because if something about the comic ever gets received poorly, you're at a loss to do anything about it until your buffer runs out (especially if your plot continues on this hated portion for the next few strips)!

My main list of reasons for a buffer?
  1. Having a professional comic means I respect deadlines -- because I've already told my readers to come check for the comic then.
  2. Maintaining a constantly increasing archive / buffer makes the comic appear more "stable" and healthy.
  3. Working on the buffer NOW means I'm not working on it during the school year -- or at least not as hard as I would over the summer.
  4. I worry less about deadlines -- I have a hard enough time remembering what day to update the comic just to do the minor task of uploading it to the site, let alone if I had to work the week before to finish a comic in time!
  5. Even if vacations are working vacations, I can relax on the weekends -- which are when I'd have to be working like mad to get the next comic ready for an update if I didn't work at least that far in advance!
  6. Knowing what happens in future comics (and not just what I think will happen) gives me a sense of security -- because I'm following and reading along with my comic the same as everyone else, with the exception that I'm expected to figure out what happens next based off of these strips.
  7. Maintaining a buffer and reducing the stress to pop out a comic rapidly gives me more opportunity to experiment with new ideas -- not just for saleable materials but also for advertising and general growth of the comic.
If you're comparing my list to Kurtz's, you'll notice that only the first two are "worrying about what other people think" -- and it's not even thinking about Joe Random, but about the perception of the comic as a whole. The rest are either somewhat selfish (work now to goof off later), or otherwise useful to the growth of the comic. Even if I sacrifice being able to react immediately to problems within the comic, I make up for it by having more time to tinker to be able to respond to those problems properly.

I'm not saying Kurtz's list is "bad" or even ill-informed, but he's working from the perspective of a mature comic -- PvP isn't struggling for acceptance and awareness now, except against those who don't read comics. He doesn't have to work at advertising his comic to say that it's different from other comics, or struggle for legitimacy, or even deal with the fact that his comic appeals to a certain audience like it was somehow a bad thing. He has a whole different set of problems to worry about, not the least of which is that the time he could spend on advertising PvP is having to be spent just advertising webcomics in general because being a big fish in a small pond does you no good if the entire pond exists inside of a water cooler.

Penny Arcade can't afford a large buffer because they're building off of pop culture, but there's no reason they can't build up a few PA-oriented strips that they can intersperse with the gaming-focused comics so at least they have something to throw on the fire when the news is slow or that next idea just isn't coming. If your comic isn't oriented on popular culture at all, there's little reason to NOT build up a buffer. In my case, having an insane buffer makes sense, especially while I'm still in school (I'm currently freaking out right now because I'm still two strips shy of having enough for the semester!), and because I want to be able to produce more pages for the comic -- having a buffer allows me to do that without having to stress over deadlines, at least!

You're going to have your own reasons for keeping a buffer, depending on what kind of comic you're doing, how much effort it takes you, and what length of a buffer you feel comfortable with. Regardless of which path you go, keeping at least "the next update" in your buffer is just good sense; if nothing else, it's insurance.

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Saturday, November 8, 2008


If you don't groan at this week's page, you need to press this button.

Not much to say for now (besides hello to the folks at Startup Weekend Atlanta -- hi!), so I'll see you folks next week!

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Last Res0rt at the Webcomics Collage!

Let's try something interesting.

Last Res0rt has just attached itself to the WebComics Collage; if you've got a comic, give the man a 40x40 PNG, JPG, or GIF (non-animated), and you get included on the page for a year, free. He DOES want money after that point... but for a year you can sign up free for now, see how a year on the collage impacts whatever site analytics you use, and decide later if it's worth it. ($3/year should be plenty cheap if it's successful!) EDIT: It's free for all time now! No pressure!

So go ahead; sign up soon and you'll get in on one of the first few rows, which I suspect will be valuable space if this takes off.

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

#105 Up!

And it appears we are back on schedule. No convention booths shoved in the back corner, no food poisoning, no intermittent internet that only lets me post all but the punchline of a comic page...

... please, nobody jinx me.

Don't forget to sound off in the forums, and we'll be back next week with more! :)

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