Dragon*Con is dead as a dog, and I've barely got time to recover from it (including a mild but annoying cold -- blegh!) before getting ready for Anime Weekend Atlanta, which means one thing -- I need to make a LOT of stuff to fill up a big table, like the quick Sharpie sketch of Arikos up there.
I also need to make some examples of commissions that I can offer, and that's where you come in: I'm offering MORE free commissions for you!
The catch is, it's only available to "certain" Dragon*Con goers...
- If you picked up one of the Last Resort Stickers for your badge (or heck, if you have any clue what I'm referring to when I mention the "Elevator Game"), send me a picture / scan of the badge with its sticker and you win!
- Parade Watchers: Anyone take pictures of a short mad scientist with curly hair and carrying a Geiger counter / radiation detector? If so, I need the picture(s), and I'm offering prizes for 'em!
Don't worry so much about WHAT your commission prize will be; I want to see how many people respond first before I say what the actual commissions will look like. Rest assured though, everyone who turns in something will get a prize (and maybe even featured on the blog if I get them done fast enough!)
Oh, and if someone on staff picked up a dark grey / yellow shoulder bag with a ham radio in it at the Dead Dog staff party... my friend wants his stuff back. I'll give you a commission in return for it and we'll reimburse you for the shipping. Honest.
Labels: anime weekend atlanta, commissions, conbadges, contests, conventions, dragon*con, last resort