One Contest Commission Done!

... See, I can draw other people's characters. :-p
Labels: commissions, deviantart, free stuff
Labels: commissions, deviantart, free stuff
Labels: advertising, branding, commissions, free stuff, giveaways
The donation image should be changing soon to remind people of MomoCon coming up next (March 15-16 in Atlanta, once again... oh, and did I mention it's a free convention?), but I'm still sorta feeling it from Furry Weekend Atlanta last week, especially as it congealed together in my brain along with the last two weeks of school as "Lots of Running Around". The fact I had fun does not change the fact I still feel worn out.
Labels: furry weekend atlanta, last resort, momocon, updates
Labels: advertising, audience, better branding series, comics, design, starting out, updates
Labels: advertising, online services, twitter, web 2.0
Labels: bloglines, online services, rss
In an attempt to save space in my bag and not bring the laptop, I'm updating the site early. Enjoy, folks!
Labels: conventions, furry weekend atlanta, twitter, updates
Running tables at a convention may very well be an artist's dream, but it's not easy! There's a lt of merchandise to deal with, convention stress, the whole "You're sitting out here to make a spectacle of yourself" kind of problem... To say the least, artists (and wannabe-artists) have a special checklist the average congoer doesn't!
Labels: anime weekend atlanta, conventions, dragon*con, furry weekend atlanta, momocon, starting out, tips
For [whoever's cash/attention we're after] that wants [some quality people demand], [Our Product/Service/Brand] is a [product category] that has [a benefit tied to the quality people demand].Now, you can rewrite that statement to sound a little less aggressive, but the idea is there. What you fill in the blanks with says a LOT about what you need to do. Heck, just to show that I have half a clue what writing such a statement will do, let's try it out with our favorite guinea pig, Last Resort:
Unlike [whoever we're trying to grind underfoot], [Our Product/Service/Brand] has [this trait that makes us better than them].
For science fantasy enthusiasts who love engrossing stories of crime and redemption, Last Resort is a webcomic that has a rich galaxy of characters, excellent writing, and action-packed excitement. Unlike most other webcomics, Last Resort makes sure to update on time every week, so you never show up to find disappointing 'filler'.Sounds pretty awesome, right? Well guess what we just did:
Labels: advertising, audience, better branding series, branding, project wonderful
Labels: conventions, furry weekend atlanta, last resort, updates
Labels: characters, creativity, design, evolution, last resort, sketchbook
Labels: advertising, blog, content, design, multiple income streams, tips
And it's another trip around the sun.
Labels: blog, last resort, updates